The Impact Assessment has been created using a wealth of empirical research, undertaken by the Impact team prior to development. This team consists of Social Workers, Forensic Psychologists and a number of other experts from childrens’ social care. This expertise, as well as extensive conversations with Family Court Administrations and a Senior Circuit Family Court Judge, has created a tool that will tailor each assessment to every type of family unit whilst maintaining a parent centred approach.
The Impact Assessment is a user friendly application which is used to create a robust, honest, evidence based parenting assessment which is compiled in partnership with the family. The assessment is a time-saving, interactive application which enables both learning and assessment to take place, providing clear evidence based outcomes which enables reports to be produced that will contribute to next steps planning.
The Impact Parenting Assessment consists of:
The PAMS Assessment is a wide-ranging functional and multi dimensional evidence-based parenting assessment aimed at vulnerable families, their children and their needs. It offers an intensive investigation of parental knowledge, quality of skills and frequency of practice to provide the assessor with a systematic framework within which parenting can be assessed using observation and various exercises.
The PAMS Assessment covers areas such as child care and development, independent living skills, safety and hygiene, parent’s health, relationships and support. After completion, a numerical and visual summary of results is calculated and provides a profile which gives clear identification of the family strengths, needs and risks associated with their parenting, as well as a recommended teaching programme.
Identifying services for vulnerable parents with transitional support needs whilst safeguarding their children from abuse and neglect can be challenging. The PAMS Assessment has been developed to present complex information within a format that interfaces well with the Framework for Assessment (2000) and Common Assessment Framework (DfES 2006). The manual can be used as either a screening tool or a comprehensive, specialist assessment that is central to the identification and targeting of support required by those families where parents or children have additional and/or complex needs.
We at Amber Family are always accommodating when members of our Team show interests beyond our settings to learn further skills which will enable them to encourage and support our families further. We are pleased that our Team have chosen the Life Rooms to assist them further with their challenges, further learning and research.
Click on the link below to find out more :
Southport College is located a 15 minute walk away from Amber Family. It is a successful, modern Further Education college providing a diverse programme of education and training to over 3,500 students. The College has a well established reputation for high standards, excellent facilities and outstanding support for students. The College was inspected by OFSTED in April 2016 who judged the college to be good and improving with major focus on teaching and learning.
Southport College is the area’s largest provider of vocational education offering full-time and part-time courses in a wide range of subjects, as well as apprenticeship programmes in a variety of occupational areas.
Southport College is committed to partnerships and will work closely with Amber Family to ensure their taster sessions or courses are tailored to the specific needs of the parents residing at Amber Family.
SHS is an integrated sexual health service in the Sefton area. They deliver a wide range of sexual health services, delivering both reproductive and contraceptive health care alongside the testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, including chlamydia.
Sefton Sexual Health Services deliver a community service that parents can access whilst residing at Amber Family. In addition to this, the sexual health promotion team provide training to the staff at Amber Family and on request, will deliver one to one or group sessions with parents on the topic of sexual health.
Venus’ mission is: To empower, promote and support women, young women and their children in developing their potential, recognising their choices, achieving their goals and challenging injustice.
Venus is a charity run by women to provide support and inform services to women and their families. We can support you through a difficult time to build your confidence, access new opportunities and create support networks.
We can accompany you to meetings and appointments, act as an advocate, offer information and be someone to talk to. The support can be in your home, at our centre or at any other suitable venue of your choice.
Sefton Treatment and Recovery Service (STARS) works with individuals over the age of 18, delivering a wide range of integrated interventions to all affected by drug and alcohol misuse.
We engage, motivate and personalise support and resources to meet the needs of our service users and their families locally. We work closely with partners both within Sefton and outside the borough to deliver positive outcomes and promote visible recovery.
Amber Family work closely with the Local Authorities to ensure the placement of the families and their assessment during the 13 week period is beneficial and successful for all parties.
Please read our completed Questionnaire forms below for further information and insight into our profession.
We ensure the privacy of the Local Authorities however for further information, please contact us.
Amber Family are supporters of Change4life and Start4Life whose aims are to provide health advice to pregnant women and new mothers. Their services also include tips for partners, relatives and friends to support and encourage mothers in healthy lifestyle choices for themselves and their babies.
“Establishing healthy habits early on gives your baby the best start in life and reducing the risk of poor health later in life.”
Home-Start works with families in communities right across the UK. Starting in the home, our approach is as individual as the people we’re helping. No judgement, it is just compassionate, confidential help and expert support.
It was established in 2008 as a new generation men’s lifestyle channel and the leading voice for Dads. At we want to celebrate the changing role of Dads with engaging, helpful, practical, entertaining resources and content for every stage of their journey. It is home to the largest connected community of active, involved Dads through its interactive forum, providing great peer to peer support and advice for what can be one of the most challenging and rewarding life experiences.
Restorative justice brings together people harmed by crime or conflict with those responsible for the harm, to find a positive way forward.
Restorative justice gives victims the chance to tell offenders the real impact of their crime, get answers to their questions and get an apology.
Restorative justice holds offenders to account for what they have done. It helps them understand the real impact, take responsibility, and make amends.
The evidence-based Gateway Programme is built on the principles of respect and empowerment for those who are/have experienced domestic abuse. The content and structure builds awareness and understanding within a sensitive, safe, risk managed environment promoting informed future options and choices.