Amber Care Family


The care and protection of our parents and their children is paramount and no referral will be accepted without first discussing and assessing requirements with the referring authority, and if appropriate to the parents.

  • Our Registered Managers need to be satisfied that acceptance of new parents into our settings will not have a detrimental impact on other parents already undergoing assessment.
  • If placed with us, the parents can expect a friendly, professional and helpful service which takes into account the needs of the parents and their child at all times.

At the request of the referring authority, we will conduct assessments of parenting skills and capacity using a robust parenting assessment to produce robust, fair, evidence-based reports based on the family’s needs.

  • Our registered Social Workers will carry out the assessments in a manner consistent with the guidance outlined in “Working Together to Safeguard Children”.

Frequently Asked Questions


Do you have a copy of the latest OFSTED report for Amber Family?

Please find below our current OFSTED inspection reports:

*Awaiting OFSTED registration, updated June 2023


What type of assessments do you do?

In week 12 of placement (unless the placement has been extended for any reason), you will receive a parenting assessment report about the parent who has been residing with us. Amber offer a comprehensive parenting report that reflects on the parenting capabilities in regard to;

• Childcare and development
• Behaviour management
• Independent living skills
• Safety and hygiene
• Parents health
• Relationships and support
• The impact of the environment and community on parenting.

The assessment further considers the parent’s ability to respond to their children’s needs, safeguard and promote their children’s welfare now and in the future. The report also includes a series of recommendations for future care planning for the family based on evidence collected during the course of the placement.  Amber Family’s Registered Manager will issue the report to assist the Local Authority with future care planning.


How successful are placements at Amber?

Our main focus is ensuring a positive outcome for the child who is placed with us at Amber Family. Our final parenting assessment will make recommendations to inform the care planning for the child within the Court arena.

We are often asked if we can relay information about how “successful” our placements are in terms of the families that have completed their placement with us.

The chart below illustrates the outcome of all placements at Amber since opening in June 2014.



How do I make a referral?

To make a referral or to find out about room availability, please telephone Amber Family at 01704 807170, and one of our staff will be able to help you. or please e-mail;


Will you inform the LA if you think things are not going well?

Of course. Amber Family recognises its duty to work openly and honestly with the referring Local Authority as well as protecting public expenditure where possible. If we feel that the placement is not going well, we will contact the allocated Social Worker and invite them in to discuss in order for us to make a joint decision regarding the placement continuing.


If the placement ends before the 13 weeks will the Local Authority still have to pay until the end?

No. Whilst Amber Family only charge for full weeks, if the placement ends before the 13 week period, the Local Authority will only be invoiced for the days that the parent lived with us for.


The parents have a learning difficulty. Can they still come?

Yes! We have had experience of working with parents of all abilities. We have a wide range of resources that can be used with parents who require additional support. We incorporate the use of DVD’s and easy to read literature into our direct work and to support general advice. We have successfully worked in partnership with adult Social Workers to create a needs led care plan for future support.


How will I know how the placement is progressing?

The allocated Social Worker will receive the minutes of the weekly Key Worker meetings held between the parent and their Key Worker. A more in-depth mid-point report will be produced in week 6 of the placement. The format of the meeting is the same as the Placement Plan; e.g. What are we worried about? What do we feel is going well? A copy of the meeting minutes and mid-point report will also be provided to the parent and their Key Worker will go through the content with them if required.


Will I get a mid-point report?

Yes. The Risk Assessment that is completed by the Amber Family Registered Managers prior to the parent moving in, will outline the dates that the mid-point report and final parenting assessment will be published and it will also state an end of placement date. Once the parents moving in date has been agreed, these dates will be confirmed in the Placement Plan.


Can the LAC reviews be held at Amber Family?

With enough notice, Amber Family can arrange for a room to be made available for LAC reviews to be held on our premises.


Parents need to attend Court; will your staff care for the baby?

Yes, Amber Family realise that Court is not a suitable environment for children so we will happily care for the baby whilst parents are in Court.

Get in touch with one of our team

Call Us

01704 807170