At the start of the placement, the parents will be fully involved in developing their placement plan with input from their KeyWorker and their allocated Social Worker. This placement plan will act as the blueprint for the care package to be provided to the parents whilst they are residing at Amber Family. The plan will focus on:
The Registered Manager and the Key Worker will confirm the date of the publication of the Midpoint Report and the final parenting Assessment and allocate weekly meetings so that progress can be monitored.
Whilst living at Amber Family, parents are initially observed undertaking basic care tasks for their child. For example, staff will be recording whether parents can sterilise bottles, change nappies, bath their Child as well as providing emotional support and interaction. If any of these tasks can’t initially be undertaken by the parent, our supportive and fully trained staff will help and provide advice and guidance to ensure competence.
Our Key Workers and Support Staff will work alongside parents in developing supported learning and practice. The 13 week placement will provide plenty of opportunity to reflect and learn from previous experiences. This support is gradually reduced to enable parents to demonstrate their commitment to care for their baby and home independently.
The parents will also be supported with:
There is no “typical” day at Amber Family! Every morning we look in the diary to see who has appointments, midwife visits, visits from family, and our staff will talk to our parents to find out what they want to do with any “spare” time.
Southport is located a 15 minute walk from the sea front and promenade and there are a number of beautiful parks within a 10 minute bus ride. If the weather isn’t fit to walk out, then we have a large selection of things to do in the house; bake, cook new recipes, create and decorate memory boxes that will represent your baby’s first few months, watch DVD’s, play on the Wii or just relax and enjoy your child.